"Nein, wende dich bitte per Ticket an den Support. Es wird über das Forum kein Support geleistet." 28.06.2019 cLowdy
"Drecks-Spieler würd ich sagen :D" 18.09.2019 sweet cHrischi
Time to ride the snake, oh eyes gone dead and blank I don't want to talk to a stranger, I once knew Single-minded hunt, to fill the bottomless well I can't afford the labor of the feelings that you ask, you tax Talk to me I can't hear you Did you say, the pain has gone away Just one question, will I see you at the show tomorrow Or the snake They could never tell, we are losing weight They will all still love us, if they can not feel our hell I'm not losing face, and they're not losing faith We won't have to feel unless we quit, there's nothing more to hide Talk to me I can't hear you Did you say, the pain has gone away Just one question, will I see you at the show tomorrow Or the snake Don't you know that he does everything, he buys the food and cleans He knows what I need to go on This is your last chance I can feel I'm fading and I want to disappear, Disappear, there's nothing left to hear Talk to me I can't hear you Did you say, the pain has gone away Just one question, will I see you at the show tomorrow Or the snake Will I see you at the show tomorrow, tell me then what's wrong
Zitat von Blinddate im Beitrag #238Time to ride the snake, oh eyes gone dead and blank I don't want to talk to a stranger, I once knew Single-minded hunt, to fill the bottomless well I can't afford the labor of the feelings that you ask, you tax Talk to me I can't hear you Did you say, the pain has gone away Just one question, will I see you at the show tomorrow Or the snake They could never tell, we are losing weight They will all still love us, if they can not feel our hell I'm not losing face, and they're not losing faith We won't have to feel unless we quit, there's nothing more to hide Talk to me I can't hear you Did you say, the pain has gone away Just one question, will I see you at the show tomorrow Or the snake Don't you know that he does everything, he buys the food and cleans He knows what I need to go on This is your last chance I can feel I'm fading and I want to disappear, Disappear, there's nothing left to hear Talk to me I can't hear you Did you say, the pain has gone away Just one question, will I see you at the show tomorrow Or the snake Will I see you at the show tomorrow, tell me then what's wrong
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